Understanding Work-Related Cumulative Trauma Disorders and If Workers’ Compensation Covers Them

Business man with back pain in an office

Top-rated workers’ compensation attorneys: Work injuries are usually experienced in workplace accidents such as slips and falls or using defective tools that went berserk. However, such injuries don’t only occur because of an accident, but also those that develop over time referred to as cumulative trauma disorder (CTD). If you’re a worker who suffers from … Read More

Do You Need to Hire a Los Angeles Work Injury Attorney After Suffering from a Work-Related Injury?

Worker Accident Insurance Disability Compensation, injured working filing a claim

Skilled work injury attorney: Accidents happen in the workplace regardless of the safety measures implemented by the company. California offers countless job opportunities, employing over 50,000 people throughout 44 unique departments, from airports to zoos, you name it, especially in Los Angeles. Injuries come in various degrees, they can be minor or severe, depending on … Read More

What Causes Psychological Injuries in the Workplace?

man talking with psychologist, psychotherapy

Psychological injuries in the workplace continue to be a burgeoning concern for both employees and employers. The consequences of this kind of workplace injury can be high with lost time and efficacy as well as the risks of workers’ compensation claims. If you think you suffer from psychological injuries or mental problems due to your … Read More

What Benefits Can You Get from California Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

Law consultancy concept A male client explaining some detail of the contract to the lawyer

When workers suffer injuries related to their jobs, their first instinct is to file a workers’ compensation to cover any expenses they may incur for their medical treatment and other overheads.   Workers’ compensation is one of the oldest social insurance programs that’s generally based on a compromise between employees and employers. The law requires every … Read More

10 Leading Causes of Workplace Accidents Resulting in Work-Related Injuries or Illnesses

Factory woman worker or technician with hygienic mask

Accidents happen anywhere and anytime at workplaces, leaving workers with injuries or illnesses that developed over time. It can be extremely unfortunate for both employers and employees. Severe but curable workplace injuries currently account for almost $50 billion in US workers’ compensation costs.  Despite safety measures that the company implements, accidents in the workplace still … Read More

Are You Qualified for Los Angeles Workers’ Compensation Benefits?

employee helping an injured worker

It’s unfortunate if you fell sick or sustain injuries while doing your job in Los Angeles. What makes it more burdensome are the bills that you need to pay for your medical treatment and the salaries you’ll have to miss while you’re recovering. Good thing there’s workers’ compensation that you can count on. But the … Read More

Suffered Injuries Due to Repetitive Job Duties? Contact ODG Law to Protect Your Rights

A young woman touching her painful elbow

Several jobs involve recurrent movements, resulting in injuries such as bursitis, tendinitis, and nerve entrapment syndromes. It’s difficult to work if you’re suffering from such injuries, worsening the pain and the injury itself with your every move, forcing you to leave work to recover. However, it also means that you have to miss paychecks for … Read More

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