How to Get Back to Work After a Brain Injury

Returning to work had a brain injury is no easy task. You may be facing weeks or months of rehabilitation and physical therapy to attempt to obtain the normalcy you once had in your daily routine. Studies have pointed to the fact that suffers of traumatic brain injuries can benefit from returning to work. Returning to work has the capacity to improve your overall quality of life, provide focus, financial help regarding medical needs and create a means of productivity.

You could be considering it now, as you go through the rehabilitation of your own brain injury. If that’s the case, consider this article a small guide to the things you should consider as you find your way back into your role at work. Currently, you may be asking yourself if you should even consider returning to work. One of the best indicators of whether you are ready to go back is if you are feeling motivated to do so. Consulting your doctor should give you some idea from a professional standpoint but the true motivator should be your own willingness.  

Your motivation to get back to work can be the fire you need to push yourself through recovery, yet it doesn’t mean you will return to the same work as before. Depending on the type of work you did before your brain trauma you may have to adapt to new ways of working. Every brain injury has the potential to present unique recovery challenges and for this reason, you may not be able to return to the work you enjoyed before your accident.

how to get back to work after a brain injury traumatic brain injuries

Other than your own willfulness you should also seek counsel from friends, family and the medical professionals that are working on rehabilitation with you. These people can give you honest answers on whether they also think you should return to working. If you were employed before your accident one of the most viable places to return to work should be with that same employer if possible. Returning yourself to a familiar work space, with the same people and relationships can make things much easier and less stressful on you.

To make you return to work easiest you should keep in touch with your employer. Let them know how you are doing as it can help them to be ready for your return. You should also prepare a list that includes many things you are currently struggling with or are unable to do. This can help your employer create adaptations in your job so that you are able to do your work. If you can’t return to your old position, giving a list of abilities you can do will help your employer find a new spot for you in the company. You should also make them aware that your return may be done on a gradual basis. Although you may feel you’re ready to head back full time, your body might have other plans. Take things slowly and allow yourself to adjust back into your schedule without any undue stress.

If you have suffered a traumatic brain injury and need a worker’s compensation lawyer you can schedule a free consultation with ODG Law group by calling (818) 975-3080 today.

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