“Get it done.” For so many of us at work, that’s our main focus. You can amend the statement however you’d like to your particular job: get it done right, get it done fast, get it done today, get it done by the end of the week, get it done before the boss gets back – regardless of the variation, doing our work and doing it right is paramount. When you’re injured on the job, it’s natural to think that you have to keep “getting it done.” However, this can take a significant toll on your health. In this blog, we’ll explain in greater detail some cumulative trauma injuries in Glendale and the surrounding area our patients have suffered, as well as how we can help.
Cumulative Trauma Injuries in Glendale
For the most part, these cumulative trauma injuries in Glendale are disorders of your upper extremities and your neck, caused by doing your job. In general, cumulative trauma affects your ligaments, tendons, muscles and more. There are several reasons that they can occur. As we go through this, keep in mind that you deserve to be compensated for your work-related injuries. These injuries tend to build up over time, they usually don’t happen all in one moment. However, when they occur, they can be devastating.
That’s where we come in. We can make sure that you receive compensation for each of these injuries. That way, you can have money to pay for your recovery, for your medical bills, and so much more. As many of these injuries involve the tasks you would do for your job, they can make it harder to out and out impossible to do your job. That’s why you want to be fully healed (or as healed as you can be) before you return. With workers compensation, you can have the money to survive until then.
How Cumulative Trauma Injuries Occur
For almost all of us, our work involves a routine. Maybe we always get coffee or breakfast from the same place the same way. Perhaps we have a parking spot we go to, something like that. For many of us, the work itself is a routine: plenty of typing, lifting, gripping, and so forth. This routine, while helpful for us in the course of our workday, can be what leads to these injuries. When your routine takes a toll on your body, day in and day out, it can cause cumulative trauma injuries.
So many of these injuries occur in our hands. The best known cumulative trauma injury is, of course, carpal tunnel syndrome. It’s a threat for those of us who spend all day everyday typing. However, that’s far from the only kind of cumulative trauma injury that can affect your hands. Many workers, for example, have suffered these kinds of injuries from gripping and lifting as part of their jobs. This makes sense for someone working in a warehouse, an airport, or even in a store selling heavy, bulky items.
However, this can also be a concern for people who work in fields where they’re carrying items quite a bit. If you have to lift and twist items at the same time, daily, that can lead to these injuries. They often also occur in those who have to work with vibrating tools. Many mechanics, roofers, dock workers and the like suffer these kinds of injuries. Drills, saws and other power tools that vibrate can do significant damage to one’s hands.
Compounding that is how hard you have to grip the tools. It’s not like a woodworker can simply grip a drill loosely or lightly. To maintain control, it requires gripping it with a fair amount of strength. Again, these aren’t the kinds of injuries that occur in a moment; actions culminate over time. We’ve had clients who’ve suffered these injuries simply because their jobs involve lifting items at an extended arm’s reach.
Work Station, Work Time Contributes
The above are among the best-known causes of cumulative trauma injuries. Some may think “I don’t work in a warehouse nor do I have to type that often for my job. I should be fine.” Hopefully, that’s the case, but it’s not always so. Cumulative trauma injuries can also occur because someone doesn’t get enough rest time. It happens even if you don’t use your hands all that much. If you rarely take time off from work, this can eventually catch up with you.
This can also occur if your job makes you stay in the same body position without resting or moving for long, extended periods of time. Moreover, if your body has to be contorted into postures that are awkward or even occasionally painful, it all adds up. For the most part, when a person has to deal with these kinds of conditions at work, it’s not of their own volition.
If your tools or work stations aren’t well-designed, it could lead to you eventually developing these injuries. Sure, you may know that for carpal tunnel, the best thing to do is to keep your fingers elevated above your wrists, but that’s not all you have to do to make sure that your hands are well protected. You want to make sure that your work station is appropriately situated to help facilitate your health and make sure that you’re taken care of as you continue your work.
Production Requirements
Unfortunately, in today’s fast-paced society, some cumulative trauma injuries can be a result of production requirements that are demanding or even too high. Plenty of workers have closely monitored work requirements. This isn’t a bad thing, but when it exceeds the amount of work that a person can safely do, it is. Some have to type so many words per hour, or make a set number of phone calls, or move a number of palettes, and so forth. Production requirements are necessary for the functioning of a business.
However, should they make a person go beyond their physical capacities, particularly for hours if not days, weeks and months on end, they significantly raise the possibility of cumulative trauma injuries? When your job requires twisting, reaching and bending all of the time, then you could be more at risk for these injuries. Often, we have clients who’ve come to us because they simply had to stand in one area for a long period of time.
They weren’t reaching, they didn’t have to do their entire job with their hands over their head, arms extended – no, they were simply standing for too long. We can push our bodies to get through something; we get something done by going beyond our limits. However, it’s when we do that day after day. We can come to believe that what was “going beyond our limits” is really just how we work. That’s not the case. Eventually, it all catches up.
Contact a Workers’ Comp Attorney
Should one of these injuries befall you, the ODG Law Group can help you to get the compensation that you deserve. Our professionals have helped so many people to get the right amount of workers comp to pay for their medical bills and more. When you’re recovering from your injury, the last thing you need to worry about is your workers’ compensation case. Instead, you should be putting the focus on your recovery and your family. As a family-based law firm, we understand how important it is to stand up for those we care about most. Schedule a free consultation with us by calling (818) 975-3080 or sending a message through our website.