Workers Compensation Lawyers and Attorneys in Los Angeles | CA Workers Comp Law

Whether you suffered an injury in a construction accident, or work in an office and have carpal tunnel syndrome or another cumulative trauma injury, a Los Angeles workers compensation attorney at Oktanyan Der-Grigorian Law Group, Inc., wants to help you secure the treatment and benefits to help you recover.

Our attorneys will explain how the California worker’s comp law applies to you. We will fight diligently to obtain the workers’ comp benefits you need to heal and move forward. Call 818-230-2428.

What You Need To Do To Help Secure Your Workers Compensation Benefits

No matter what type of work you do, there are inherent risks that come with operating machinery, lifting heavy objects, handling dangerous materials or working at a desk. That is why California’s workers’ compensation laws require employers to provide benefits to employees who are injured or suffer an illness while performing their duties.

Although reporting a work injury may seem straightforward, many workers (especially undocumented workers), fail to properly document their injuries or take full advantage of the disability, treatment and other benefits. At ODG Law Group, we will work closely with you, carefully explain how the law pertains to your case, and provide the representation and resources you need to secure your benefits.

How We Help Those Pursuing Workers’ Compensation Benefits

With years of experience working with people from the Los Angeles metro, we understand California workers compensation law and the challenges facing our clients, including:

  • How will I pay for treatment?
  • Will I be able to go back to work?
  • Will my employer punish me for reporting an injury?
  • What happens if I caused the accident?
  • What if my spouse can never return to his or her job because of a permanent disability?

We are more than just a team of workers’ compensation attorneys. We will simplify the process by offering support, advice and the guidance you need to make intelligent decisions. Whether you need to secure treatment from a specialist, hold a negligent third party accountable or need help understanding your options, our team of lawyers will be there.

Need More Info? Obtain A Free Consult From Our Top Rated Workers’ Compensation Lawyers

Our office is located in Glendale, and we represent clients throughout California. Call us to schedule a free initial meeting at 818-230-2428 or by completing our online contact form.

Se habla Español. We offer English, Spanish, and Armenian services to our clients.

Worried About Your Injury?
We’re Here to Help

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