The Right Lawyers When You Suffer Carpal Tunnel Injuries in Glendale

Most of us may not think about worker’s compensation injuries when we work in an office setting, but workplace injuries are just as likely to occur there as in a warehouse or factory. While you may immediately consider injuries that happen with slip and falls or faulty equipment, more workplace injuries today involve something much different – Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. So many office workers today spend hour after hour working on their computer, typing away for six, eight or ten hours at a time five or six days a week, and the repetitive stress placed on the wrists can cause unspeakable pain. You may try to quell the pain with painkillers, but the truth is that more extensive care may be needed that can cost a lot more than a bottle of aspirin. If you are dealing with carpal tunnel injuries in Glendale, it might be time for you to speak with us at the ODG Law Group to see how we can help you.

Treatment for Carpal Tunnel Injuries in Glendale

There are many treatments available that can help with carpal tunnel, but not every treatment is useful for everyone. Pain medication, prescription or over the counter, can take away some of the inflammation but does not provide a long-term solution. Others may resort to wearing wrist braces to help reduce the stress placed on the body while working. Still others may try physical therapy to strengthen the areas. Surgery may be necessary for some to provide a fix, and even then, you may lose some mobility in your fingers and wrists and must live with a level of numbness for the rest of your life.

carpal tunnel injuries in glendale

How Our Lawyers Can Help

Here at the ODG Law Group, we can assist you in getting proper compensation for your carpal tunnel injuries in Glendale. If doctors have shown that the repetitive nature of your job is the cause of your injuries, you likely have a case that will qualify for worker’s compensation benefits. The benefits you receive for your claim may vary based on the severity of your injuries, but you can get compensated for any medical expenses you may have for treatment, for any therapy you need, or for surgery required. If a permanent disability occurs, you may get long-term disability if you are no longer able to perform your job duties.

Discussing Your Carpal Tunnel Injuries with Us

The best way for you to find out what you may be eligible for because of your carpal tunnel injuries in Glendale is to arrange to meet with us here at the ODG Law Group. You can find out more about how we may be able to help you with your claim by reading the information and blog articles you find on our website. To receive a free consultation with one of our lawyers so you can discuss your case personally, please contact our office by calling (818) 975-3080. Let us assist you with your claim and recover the medical costs you may have because of your injury.

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