When you read in the news about workers filing for compensation from their employers, you may think about serious injuries caused by falling, by being hit by materials, or by being exposed to toxic chemicals. However, you may not realize that one of the most common causes of workers’ compensation claims is carpal tunnel syndrome. It is estimated that around six percent of the US population are affected by this condition, and that it can be caused by repeated actions at work. Anyone suffering from carpal tunnel injuries caused by actions at the workplace can be eligible to seek compensation for their suffering.
What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Although this condition is extremely common, many people may not realize what it entails. The carpal tunnel is an area within the wrist which contains the median nerve, important for the functioning of both the hand and the wrist. When repetitive actions occur over time, the tunnel may become swollen, and the median nerve is compressed. As a result of this compression, people may experience tingling or weakness in the hand, numbness of the fingers, or pain in the hand and wrist. All of these symptoms are extremely unpleasant, and they may increase in severity over time, meaning that many people struggle to function comfortably once they are suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. Once it gets to the stage where they are unable to operate comfortably, they require time off work and physical therapy.
Occupational Risk And Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
It has been estimated that nearly 150,000 workers sought compensation for carpal tunnel syndrome in California in the seven years leading up to 2014. The evidence shows that women are about three times more likely to suffer from this condition than their male counterparts, and that there are three industries where this condition is occurring more frequently. This is in the textile and fabric finishing mills, apparel manufacturing and animal slaughter industries. The Department of Public Health in California states that carpal tunnel syndrome is likely to be caused by repetitive tasks, often requiring forceful manipulation of an item, with prolonged use of the hands in an awkward posture. It is easy to see how women at textile mills and in apparel manufacturing might suffer from a syndrome affected by the positioning of the hands. Surprisingly, computer operation and handling are not one of the top jobs affected by Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Do You Need Compensation?
If you are suffering from carpal tunnel injuries, and need assistance with making a compensation claim, then you need to speak to the specialists in workers’ compensation lawsuits. There may be some treatments which you need to receive in order to recover from carpal tunnel syndrome, including anti-inflammatory medications, steroids, and medication designed to reduce the amount of tissue in the carpal tunnel. If you believe that you are eligible for compensation to cover these costs, then ODG Law Firm can help you. Find out more by contacting us online, or get a free consultation by calling (818) 975-3080 now.