Orthopedic Work Injury and California Workers’ Compensation

If you or a loved one suffer work-related orthopedic injuries, contact ODG Law for help. Our expert workers’ compensation lawyers will protect your right and maximize your compensation. Call (818) 975-3080 and book a free consultation today.

Each workplace encounters some inevitable circumstances that can impact an accident when the employer fails to implement safety measures. Employers are responsible for keeping their workers or employees safe and providing them with a hazard-free working environment, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). If employers fail to do so, they become liable for any work-related injuries their negligence may have caused. 

If you suffer an orthopedic injury related to work in California due to your employer’s negligence or breach of OSHA regulations, you are eligible to file workers’ compensation. Filing a claim is a complex process and more often than not, workers don’t get the benefits they deserve. They end up paying all the bills and are left with nothing to spend for future necessary medical treatment. 

In some cases, some workers won’t be able to get back to work because of disability caused by the injury. Although there are benefits to this kind of situation, not all of them can take advantage of it. They need to prove their injuries, especially are work-related to get compensation. 

expert workers’ compensation lawyers
expert workers’ compensation lawyers

Expert Workers’ Compensation Lawyers: Orthopedic Injuries Occurring in the Workplace

Orthopedic injuries are injuries to the musculoskeletal system, usually affecting joints, soft tissues, and bones and muscle structure caused by different factors, including slipping, falling, or being extremely hit by a forklift or machinery. If you suffer from an orthopedic work injury, you may be suffering already from:

  • Hand or wrist injury
  • Broken or fractured bones or ligaments
  • Back injury
  • Repetitive stress injury (RSI) or musculoskeletal disorder (MSD)
  • Knee injury

The more severe the injuries are, the more they are dangerous to the sufferer because they can cause temporary or permanent disabilities or even death.  Depending on the extent of the disability or injury, you may claim the right to vocational rehabilitation, allowing you to do other tasks. Speaking with ODG Law’s experienced workers’ compensation lawyer can help you in the speedy processing of your workers’ compensation.  

What are the Most Common Work-Related Orthopedic Injuries? 

When filing for workers’ compensation, each work-related orthopedic injury is dealt with distinctively. You could be suffering from a repetitive strain injury (RSI) or back pain due to slipping and falling. Each injury varies in the number of incidents that could be also responsible for the injury’s occurrence.

Tendinosis. This is a serious tendon injury, resulting from a swollen tendon. It occurs due to poor posture or when the tendons experience severe stress.

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). Cubital Tunnel Syndrome occurs in the ulnar nerve (funny bone) following consistent pressure or stretching to the area. If you suffer from CTS, you may feel pain in the forearm or may experience feebleness in the hands. 

Trigger finger. This injury manifests after recurrent gripping or doing tasks using the finger muscles. You’ll notice that your finger became stiff in a specific position until it’s returned to its normal position.  

De Quervain Syndrome. This type of disorder results when the wrist receives pressure, affecting tendons in the thumbs. Hands can become weak, making it difficult to move your wrists or make a fist because of pain.  

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. This condition causes swelling in the hands, making it hard to do office and other duties using the hands. Sometimes, a sufferer may need surgery to relieve the pressure on the median nerve. 

Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI). A worker may suffer from RSI by outdoing the body’s capabilities to repair its torn muscle tissue. This condition can arise from doing the same activities over and over again for long periods without rest, never allowing the worn muscles, joints, ligaments, tendons, and bones to recover.     

Expert Workers’ Compensation Lawyers: Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim 

As previously mentioned, filing workers’ compensation is a complicated process. It requires patience, perseverance, and knowledge of the law. It’s crucial to have skilled and well-versed workers’ compensation on your side. You need someone to defend your rights and guide you through the process from start to finish. 

Evidence is the key to a successful claim. ODG Law’s aggressive and efficient workers’ compensation lawyers will help you gather all the necessary documents and reports needed to present to the insurance company. Moreover, we can help you file your personal injury claim within the statute of limitations to ensure that you won’t lose your right to compensation and get the benefits you deserve.

Need Help with Your Workers’ Compensation? Contact ODG Law for Assistance

ODG Law will always be here to help you every step of the way, from helping you file workers’ compensation to representing you in court when necessary. Our skilled and experienced workers’ compensation will defend you from the claims adjusters. 

We work on a contingency fee basis. No fees, unless we win. Call (818) 975-3080 and book a free consultation today. You may also send your queries to our email

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