Suffering Loss of consciousness in Glendale while working is not rare. In fact, some employees fainted while working at their desk.
Several work environments are tiring and stressful. If your job requires long hours but with a few breaks, then you are likely to pass out. And if you have a preexisting condition, working long hours can exacerbate your condition.
Fainting at work is indeed a momentary event. Unfortunately, it has some medical repercussions. That’s why it is vital that you seek medical attention to know the cause of such an incident.
If you fainted and got injured, it could mean spending time away from your work. Within the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) injury rules, fainting is part of the terms. Even if it is caused by your non-recordable injury, you may still be entitled to claim worker’s compensation benefits.
Employers should record any work-related illness if the employee becomes unconscious. It does not matter how long the employee has lost consciousness. It has to be recorded.
What are the Potential Injuries from Fainting and Collapse?
Losing your consciousness at work can cause injuries that need medical attention. These injuries would include neck injuries, head injuries, concussion, cuts and scrapes, and several others.
Because collapsing is a momentary condition, most employees do not report the incident to their supervisors or employers. This is a big mistake. You have to inform your employer about it.
It is also vital to investigate the cause of it. The probe is necessary so that you can claim worker’s compensation benefits.
In most cases, the loss of consciousness in the Glendale office can be an indication of a pre-existing condition that can be aggravated by your work.
If you have hypertension or cardiovascular disease, for example, you are prone to fainting. It is especially true if you are working for long hours with few breaks.
Those health conditions must not prevent you from claiming your worker’s compensation benefits. In Glendale, the insurance will cover all medical costs related to the collapse that occurred at the workplace or while the employee was working.
And yes, it does not matter whether or not you have a pre-existing condition.
Are You Entitled to File a Claim?
At  Oktanyan Der-Grigorian Law Group, Inc., we can evaluate your situation to determine whether or not you can file a claim.
Keep in mind that if you collapsed because of a non-work illness, insurers would use it as leverage. As a result, it can offer you a lower settlement than you deserve.
But our worker’s compensation lawyers at  Oktanyan Der-Grigorian Law Group, Inc have handled this same situation several times. They can help you fight for your rights.
Speak to one of our lawyers today to know your many options. Do not just assume that loss of consciousness is not work-related. Your injury could be related to the long hours of work. But it is difficult to determine.
For that reason, it is vital to work with a lawyer to find out whether you can file a claim from the loss of consciousness in Glendale office. Call us today to know your options: (818) 975-3080.