When you think about what you do at work every day, you may realize that many of the tasks you perform are quite repetitive. It could be that you spend all day typing or entering data at your computer or desk. Perhaps you work in a factory or on an assembly line and perform the same duties hour after hour all day long. Doing work like this is a natural part of your job, but it can also be the cause of different orthopedic issues you may end up dealing with. Spending months or years repeating processes can cause physical damage to you, and it is something you need to know more about. Making yourself familiar with different types of injuries due to repetitive job duties can help you to see what kind of medical care you may need to assist with the ailments you suffer from.
Injuries from Lifting or Moving Items
If your job involves physical labor or motion of any kind that you do for long periods, there are many injuries you can suffer. Lifting, even when done correctly and with proper safety measures taken, can cause stress on the body when it is done regularly. Back problems are pervasive, and you may find that you have lower back injuries or shoulder and neck injuries that can become severe and interfere with your quality of life. Knee injuries may also occur, causing you to need surgery if you have torn cartilage, tendon damage, severe sprains, or even dislocations and broken bones.
Repetitive Motion Injuries
Among the most often seen injuries due to repetitive job duties can be carpal tunnel injuries or wrist damage. For those that spend all day typing on their computers, you may find that you suffer wrist pain, elbow pain, or numbness in your fingers. The pain can linger for hours, days, or weeks, or even bother you throughout the day. Leaving this injury without care can lead to further nerve damage that can only be cured by surgery, and even then, you may have permanent disabilities from the injury. This injury can make even the simplest tasks you do at home painful.
Compensation for Repetitive Job Injuries
When you suffer injuries due to repetitive job duties, you can seek out worker’s compensation benefits that your employer should provide for you. This can help you take care of medical bills related to your injury now and in the future, along with lost wages and other compensation. Filing promptly and correctly is important, and here at the Oktanyan Der-Grigorian Law Group, we can help you with legal advice, and representation so you can submit your claim and get the assistance you need. You can find out more about the services we offer by reading the information provided on our website, or you may phone the office at (818) 975-3080. We will provide you with a free case evaluation and discuss how we can help protect your legal rights to get you the compensation that you deserve.